As a book about the police, this is a book that is potentially close to my heart.
Is that possible? Can something be potentially close to one's heart? Who knows...
Anyway, it's an enjoyable read. It's light hearted, not always politically correct (though claims to be factually correct for the most part) and very easy to read. It's split into tiny chunks (what's a small chapter called? A chap, perhaps?) so you can put it down and pick it up easily enough, with each chunk lasting about a page.
It's probably cynical, occasionally ascerbic and always interesting. Coming from a background in teaching, it's easy to empathise with the frustration of not being able to do primarily what you 'joined up' for. The author finds the mountain of paperwork that comes with even the most minor interaction largely pointless, and of course it serves to detract from actual policing.
As the guy who wrote it comes from Burton - just down the road from us - it's also fun to try to work out where he's referring to when he writes about various incidents. (Names and places are changed for obvious reasons!)
I've seen some reviews of this book that criticise the 'constant moaning' aspect of it. But then, if you're having to deal, day after day after day, with stuff that merely prevents you from doing what you actually want to do (and believe you should be doing) it's not surprising if you end up moaning a little about it!
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